The Access to Work Scheme: What is It & How Can I Apply for Funding?

Written by Luke Kitchen
Last updated Tuesday June 21 2022

The Access to Work scheme is a government-funded program that supports people with disabilities. It includes support for equipment, finance, and training. Specifically, this funding can be used to make modifications at home or the workplace. This article covers how the Access to Work scheme works, who can apply, and what they can use the funding for!

How Does it Work?

The Access to Work scheme will provide you with the funding necessary to make changes at home or in the workplace by paying for specialist equipment, adaptations, or modifications that are needed. Suppose you need Access to Work funding for a wheelchair. In that case, there is no limit on the amount provided as long as it’s deemed necessary and helpful by an occupational therapist or specialist equipment worker. The scheme covers both home adaptations and workplace modifications but only if they’re required due to your disability.

The Access to Work scheme also provides funding for support workers to help you perform daily tasks. This can include access to transport, someone who helps with cooking or cleaning, and other general care needs. The Access to Work scheme will also pay for personal assistants if this is deemed necessary by your occupational therapist working on the access plan.

Who is Eligible for the Access to Work Scheme?

The Access to Work scheme is a government benefit for people with disabilities. To be eligible for Access to Work funding, you must show that obstacles prevent you from doing your job or carrying out daily activities and show how your disability has caused this. The access plan will need the support of an occupational therapist to be approved.

What Can Access to Work Funding Pay For?

The Access to Work scheme will provide you with access to funds to make changes at home or in the workplace by paying for specialist equipment, adaptations, or modifications that are needed. An occupational therapist creates the access plan, which details the type of assistance you’ll require. If your or your occupational therapist’s view about what support you’ll need changes, and a new access plan is required, the access plan may be modified at any time.

The Access to Work scheme can also fund training for you or your support worker so that both of you can do your job effectively. This includes courses on computer use, manual handling, and health and safety.

How Do I Apply?

You can apply for the Access to Work scheme by contacting your local Jobcentre Plus. You will be given access to an occupational therapist who can provide you with access to support and create the access plan for you if necessary. This access plan will be reviewed every 15 months to ensure that you receive the right amount of support from the Access to Work scheme.

In conclusion, Access to Work funding can help with a range of things such as specialist equipment needed due to disabilities or care needs arising from an illness or disability. We hope that this article has highlighted the potential benefits of the scheme and how you can apply! For more information on career access when you have a disability or impairment, take a look at the Careers with Disabilities resource hub! For specialist job opportunities, take a look at our live jobs board!

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Last Updated: Tuesday June 21 2022

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