Top CV Tips for Disabled Jobseekers

Written by Calvin Bowers
Last updated Monday June 6 2022

It can be challenging to find jobs when you are disabled. You may not know where to start, which jobs will suit your needs and how to write a CV that stands out from the rest of the crowd. This blog is designed for people with disabilities looking for jobs and will teach you how to create a fantastic CV tailored around your disability!

Our Top Tips:

Research jobs that will best suit your needs: For instance, if you have to use a wheelchair, it might be difficult to find jobs where you can work from home or jobs which allow flexible hours. Your passion and capability will also come across in your CV to employers if you’ve found an ideal job for you. Look around at jobs available in your community and think carefully about what jobs would fit you best.

Start by writing a list of your abilities and experience: This can be anything from skills gained from previous jobs, to voluntary work or even things you have done in your spare time!

Make sure to tailor your CV specifically for the job you are applying for: If you are applying to jobs that require a lot of customer service, it might be worth putting this on your CV if you have experience. However, jobs that don’t need customer service may want to see other skills or experiences instead!

Describe transferable skills:  Transferable skills are the skills that you have gained from previous jobs or experiences in your life. These can include things like teamwork, communication, and leadership. If your disability has made you unable to work, transferable skills can be an ideal way to explain why you’re qualified for the position!

Know your rights: As a disabled jobseeker, you must know your rights and be able to ask employers for what you need. This includes things like asking for a reasonable accommodation in the workplace or even just knowing your rights when it comes to interviews. If you think your disability will impact your ability to work, it might be worth describing what reasonable accommodations you’ll need within your CV or during an interview.

Proofread and get help: The best way to make sure that your CV is perfect is to have someone else proofread it for you! This can be a friend, family member, or even a professional who can help you. If you don’t have anyone to ask for help, check it over a few times yourself and make sure that everything is correct.

Make sure your application is perfect: Spelling mistakes and bad grammar can be the difference between getting or not getting an interview – so make sure you check, then double-check before sending off any applications!

Disability- Friendly Jobs:

Researching disability-friendly companies may make the process feel less intimidating for a disabled jobseeker. Finding companies that pride themselves on being inclusive employers may make the transition into work smoother as companies have experience employing disabled people in the past. Due to ongoing stigma, many people with disabilities find it difficult to ask companies to make reasonable adaptions. By finding inclusive companies, disabled jobseekers may not even need to ask for any additional support, making the process more welcoming and less stressful.

With these top tips, you will be on your way to writing a fantastic CV that employers cannot resist. Most importantly, stay positive and don’t give up! Take a look at Careers with Disabilities for more information on applying for jobs with a disability. There are plenty of jobs out there that will suit your needs – you just need to find them! Click here for our specialist jobs board full of opportunities!

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Last Updated: Monday June 6 2022

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